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by Tanisha Tiwari

Protests In Argentina Over VIP Vaccine Scandal

Argentina witnessed huge protests on Saturday against the ‘VIP Vaccination’ drive that led to the resignation of country’s Health Minister Gines Gonzalez Garcia.

Group of protestors approached the government demanding to follow the country’s pre-assigned Covid norms and let common people begin the inoculation.

Cordoba, Rosario and and Mar del Plata are the major cities which have become the protesting ground.

Hanging black body bags mocking the VIPs who received the vaccines first, people expressed their dissent with the Argentina President and the government. Though the act was condemned by President Alberto Fernandez, the protestors seem not to back off.

Alberto tweeting about the protests wrote “The way to demonstrate in a democracy cannot be to display mortuary bags with names of political leaders in front of the Casa Rosada. This regrettable action only shows how many opponents see the Republic. Let us not be silent before such an act of barbarism.”

The protestors claim people having connections with the government officials are being vaccinated at the cost of common people’s taxes and money.

The protestors said “They started by vaccinating friends of the government. It is not appropriate. They are stealing someone else's life.”

Displaying ‘Give me my vaccine’ and ‘Stop wasting my money’, the protestors portrayed their solidarity for their fight against the scandal.

After severe protests, the Argentina government announced a list of 70 officials who have received the jab. The list included the former President Eduardo Duhalde and family, Argentina’s economy minister and some of the major government persons. ‘

Argentina has already witnessed two million Covid cases and 52,000 deaths. The country, even with a huge number of cases, has been devoid of enough vaccine.

Argentina has received 1.22 million doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, around 580,000 doses from Covishield, from India's Serum Institute, and 904,000 shots from China's Sinopharm.














March 4, 2021



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