Reading Time: 5 minutes 23 seconds
by Ankush Rana


If your work is innovative, and the idea is out of the box, YouTube is a medium that could do wonders for you. In this blog, we bring you YouTube’s best trending videos that reached a million views at a skyrocketing speed, just in a day. Yes, you read that right. So what exactly did they do to make their video work stand odd from the rest?

Now we all know that YouTube is all about catching the attention but to reach a million views milestone you need much more than that. Your video work shouldn’t be just aesthetically sound but it should also be like a whole package of entertainment. So here we present you, our best picks from YouTube’s library of wonders.


1. Glitterbomb 3.0

At Number one, we’ve kept a video from Mark Rober, on a YouTube channel with his own name, Mark brings you his designed product specifically made to capture thieves in action. On an average, USA counts close to 2 million package thefts every year among which most are done during winter time of Christmas. As Christmas eve comes closer, many citizens send packaged gifts to their families and friends across the USA.

In this video, Mark has designed his indigenous product that house an electronic chipset governing various actuating motors and mounts four mobile phones all in four different directions to capture the thief’s video footage, the moment they open the box.

Mark has been making such product each year, for the winters. He dedicates his whole time and efforts to come up with a device better than its predecessor. This time Mark has brought the third generation of his home-made glitter bomb. The box is designed with an outer packaging of a headphone and the moment thief opens pull off the cover, the actuating motors spins a bowl containing superfine glitter dust, giving it its name of Glitter bomb. The actuating motors also prime the sprinklers containing ‘Fart Gas’ and Real Skunk liquid essence, all making the surroundings for the thief as difficult to breath in. The video have reached a count of ’10 MILLIONS’ in just two day of its upload. Click on the thumbnail below to find more about the product.


2. I gave people $1,000,000 But ONLY 1 Minute To Spend It!

You could just guess the theme for this video, right from its title. A Youtuber and Owner of Channel that accounts above 47 Million subscribers, comes up with a crazy idea of giving people a free credit upto a limit of $1,000,000. No we’re not kidding and there is no typo with the zeroes in the amount, it is ‘ONE MILLION USD’ that this guy is offer to people. In this video, the youtuber meets different people at different local stores ranging from gaming stores to shopping malls and yes, even jewelery stores.After explaining the cash limit, he gives about 1 minute to the participants in which duration they need to grab as much as they can and place it on to the cart or basket provided. The youtuber spends from $10,000 to all the way $66,000 in different local stores, making his total expenditure way beyond $1,00,000. To watch the video, click on the thumbnail below and find your joy.



3. Yung Bleu - You're Mines Still (feat. Drake) [Official Video]

At number three, we’ve kept Yung Bleu’s trending music video that reached more than 741,752 views just in one day. Earlier the audio music with still image was launched on YouTubeand  that has already crossed more than 10 Million views on the video sharing platform. The music video features veteran musician and rapper Drake. The video revolves around a couple that has seperated and around the wedding of one. Now we do not want to bring any spoiler, therefore click on the thumbnail below to find the end of the story.


For more such trending news, do check the latest news and updates section and also find our blogs on Checkbrand.online. You are just a few clicks away from being updated about What’s Trending in real-time.

December 19, 2020



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