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by Ankush Rana

Demand for Blasphemy Law in India? | Know Why twitter trends with #IndiaWants_BlasphemyLaw

For a long period since the Independence of India, we have been witnessing the entertainment industry as a booming one in India. As India’s economy grew, people’s budget for entertainment also expanded. In this all horizon of Indian Economy and Indian Entertainment industry, we have witnessed a lot of targeting at religious sentiments. It a quite too much for one particular community, but lately this has been exaggerated to further heights breaking the limits of patience for many across the nation.

Not all of Indian Cinema is repeatedly accused of this but one, in particular, Bollywood. Remember how Hinduism has been projected in many of the Bollywood movies. A Hindu pandit clothed in Safran attire, wearing rudraksha, while he was chanting his mala sees the Mujara in a brothel. In a Bollywood song, A KotheWali describes the fraudulent faith of idol worship of the pandit, she calls it a stain on humanity. His religion is looting. It's a harjaai. He has made "paththar" a deity in whose defense he conducts hundreds of offenses. He's not a human being. He's got nothing to be ashamed of. His job, his religion, is so terrible that nature itself is humiliated.

What seems to a secular Nation, India’s censor board for cinema never noticed any of it and public outrage has always gone in vain.

Similar to Bollywood movies like PK where Hindu Deity Lord was depicted to be in a toilet, nowadays certain web series in India is setting up a trend of mocking only one religion in particular, Hinduism. Many web shows like Leela, Ashram, Sacred Games, PaatalLok, and recent being Tandav, are all accused of allegedly defaming Hinduism. Now the filmmakers and certain fans are defending these with the fundamental right of Freedom of Expression (FOE). The only question to flare-up is, where is the cap for FOE? And will there be any shortly? Probably that is why a segment in the Indian crowd has come up with the idea of implementing Blasphemy Law in India. Yes, that’s the one they have in Pakistan. Now another follow-up question Do We Need It? We never know, we leave that up to your intellectuality. However, Twitter is flooded with the similar hashtag of #IndiaWants_BlasphemyLaw with many exhibiting emotions to the thought.


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January 29, 2021



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