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by Tanisha Tiwari

Mandeep Punia’s Arrest Is Creating View-Division In The Country

The continued farm protests seem to a revolution in the world’s largest democracy, the protests appear convincing for the farmers but the Indian government still leaves no stone untouched to turn a blind eye towards it.

The farm bills 2020 which have already created a menace in the entire country’s functioning has been discussed since months.

The agitated farmers calling out to boycott the government if their demands are not met have already showed their unity in the tractor march carried on January 26th.

In a step towards portraying the farmer unity against the three passed bills, the Punjab farmers have started asking equal participation from every household. Where the participating protestors were limited to activists and farm unions, now some of the Punjab panchayats have demanded either single person participation or paying fine in other case from every household.

If the farm protests are explained, it involves violence, police and farmer confrontation, raising a religious flag on the Red fort, police shedding tear gas on farmers, farmers breaking the barricades and if that was not enough, the arrest of journalists also counts.

Mandeep Punia, a Caravan magazine journalist was arrested by the police while on-ground reporting of the farm protests. The police claimed 14-day judicial custody for Punia citing police obstruction, beating police personnel and carrying unwanted questions on the protest site. While some believe Punia was just doing his job, others claim he mislead the farmers and attacked on the police.

Since the reporting during the farm protests remained a matter of discussion as majority reporters did not cover the peaceful tractor rally but highlighted the red fort incident, the efficacy of media reporting remains questionable.

After the arrest of the journalist, #suppressbillsnotjournalists trended on twitter depicting a large group of people who were supporting the farmer protests from the very beginning.

People have started to believe that government and the police is trying to suppress the journalist instead of farm bills.

Mandeep Punia has been sent to jail for 14 days and his bail plea will be heard on Monday.

With more farmers joining the protests daily, Indians await Centre’s steps to accept or decline the farmers demands.

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February 2, 2021



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