Bombay High Court Condemns Scoffing Media Trials Against Mumbai Police


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by Tanisha Tiwari

Bombay High Court Condemns Scoffing Media Trials Against Mumbai Police

The Bombay High Court today declared the ambiguous attempts of TV channels to dishonour Mumbai Police and the Sushant’s death did no justice.

The court today said “Part of the coverage by Republic TV and Times Now in Sushant case was a prima facia contemptuous of the Mumbai police.”

The court added that it will not take any action against the situation for now but clarified that the media trials during an investigation do affect the investigation.

The court’s involvement came after eight former Indian policemen filed a petition stating Mumbai police was portrayed negative in front of the world during investigating Sushant’s death.

Another petition had pointed out that a section of the media was running a trial in the case and asked to court to restrain them.

The court responsed to the petition stating “media trial violates programme code under the Cable TV Network Regulation Act.”

Bombay court further asked all the electronic media channels to follow the PCI guidelines and do not violate them at any expenses unless a fresh guideline is prepared.

The judges sitting at the court said “Any reportage has to be in accordance with the norms of journalistic standards and ethics, else media houses stand to face contempt action."

A bench of justices including Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice GS Kulkarni said that the news channels have no rights to hold a media trial against the police and the actress Rhea Chakraborty. The bench asked “The grievance is regarding #ArrestRhea. Why is this part of your channel news?"

It further condemned Republic TV’s idea of debate and said infringing person’s right should not be called investigative journalism and the channels must remember this.







January 21, 2021



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