Karnataka IPS Officer


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by Tanisha Tiwari

Karnataka IPS Officer Accused For Retrieving Classified Information Related to Bengaluru Safe City Project

A Bengaluru IPS officer has been accused of impersonating the state Home Secretary and of being allegedly asking for classified information regarding the Bengaluru Safe City project.

It has been informed that the unnamed IPS officer has been making regular phone calls and mails in order to get censored information about the tendering of the project.

This case is viewed by a senior Karnataka police officer who already wrote a letter to the Karnataka Chief Secretary about the case marking instant investigation of the case.

"The woman officer was nowhere connected to the project and yet gave a wrong designation and sought information. This clearly is not in her jurisdiction. The project is with three departments - Women and Child Welfare, Urban Development, and then the Home Department, " said a source.

The senior officer has also said "During my meeting with project consultants, I was told about a mail they received which impersonated Home Secretary of the state to get classified information on the Safe City project even before the tender was published."

Bengaluru safe city project is funded by the Centre and aims at providing 7,500 CCTV cameras for the city under the Nirbhaya fund.”

Karnataka Home secretary D Roopa has came forward and concluded that the above allegations are targeted on her. Roopa also said that the impersonation charges and allegations against her are false and have not been proved.

She said in her position and since she had the power, she was just trying to investigate the case.




The case is been investigated yet and there are no conclusions till now.

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January 13, 2021



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