Rajdeep Sardesai Been Taken Off-air


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by Tanisha Tiwari

Rajdeep Sardesai Been Taken Off-air

Rajdeep Sardesai, the Indian journalist and the consulting editor of India Today has been taken off-air for two weeks by the channel. The India Today group has also decided to cut his one-month salary for misleading the public about the farmers protests.

Rajdeep previously tweeted that the protestors claimed that the man ‘Navneet Singh’ was shot dead by the police. After immense chaos, Sardesai deleted the tweet and corrected his statements.

Adding a new tweet, he shared the video of tractor overturning and said the man was killed in an accident and the police did not shoot him.


As the farmers protests turned into an ugly fight between the farmers and the police on 26th January, the police likely used tear gas to stop the protestors.

Several journalists spoke about police brutality and clarified that it was not only the farmers’ fault but the police also misbehaved.

The Noida police considered some of the journalist approach and filed a case against Rajdeep Sardesai, Mrinal Pandey, Zafar Agha and editors of The Caravan, and Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for diverting the peace of the protests. The journalists and the politician also informed and misreported the incident, the UP police said.

The police further said that these personalities used social media to spread hate and divided the country affecting the people’s views of the protests.

The accused tweeted that the man who was seen in the overturned tractor was shot dead by the police but this is absolutely absurd as he died because his tractor lost control, the police stated.


The FIR said “There were many important personalities during the Republic Day parade. But the accused tweeted to malign the image of the police and the security forces.”

Around 25 criminal cases have been filed regarding the protests, 19 people have been arrested and the police has already charged 200 protestors for instigating the riots on Republic Day.


February 2, 2021



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