ISIS is a threat to global security


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by Tushar Kanti

Suicide Bombings shocks Baghdad

Just a day after Joe Biden was sweared in as the 46th President of the United States, twin suicide bombings at a Baghdad market killed at least 32 people and injured 110 others on Thursday, 21st January, 2021, according to the reports published by the Iraq's health ministry.

SITE intelligence reports have confirmed the hand of the ISIS behind these dastardly attacks.

According to the credible media reports, two suicide bombers detonated their vests when security forces pursued them through a busy market off Tayaran Square. Witnesses said the first cried out he was ill, causing a crowd to form around him in a street off the main square. He then detonated the bomb that he wore.
People fled toward Tayaran Square, as per the local sources. The Police and an ambulance arrived at the site and then the second bomber detonated next to the ambulance as people gathered near the dead and wounded from the first blast. The explosion killed dozens of people, including vendors.

Netizens took to the social media platforms to express their disgust over these attacks:

The attacks seem to be rare after the terror group was defeated back in 2017. Optimism began to grow and peace seemed certain.

Maj. Gen. Tahsin al-Khafaji, a Joint Operations Command spokesman, said it was a "terrorist act perpetrated by a sleeper cell of the Islamic State,".
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad also issued a statement in this regard: "This attack is a reprehensible act of cowardice that underscores the dangers of terrorism that millions of Iraqis continue to face,". "We extend our condolences to the families of these victims, and hope for the swift recovery for those who were injured," they further added.

Although the terror group has been defeated, it still continues to operate in fragments with the help of its wide underground network of international allies.

The conditions responsible for the growth of the terror outfit is attributed to the fact that the majority of Iraq adheres to Shia Islam while the Sunnis belong to the minority. ISIS is a Sunni group and garners support from the Iraqi minority. Unless a political solution is achieved, peace seems uncertain.

The Trump administration had pulled back the US forces from the country but around 2500 still remain to carry out counter-insurgency operations.

The overall situation in the country seemed to be improving with markets coming back to life, blast shields being removed and checkpoints removed. However, the return of the group poses serious security challenges not just for the country but also for the overall situation in the middle-east.

The return of the ISIS stands as a serious geo-political challenge and undermines the notion of stability in the region. It's imperative for the global powers to take neccesary steps in this regard to restore normalcy.

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January 22, 2021



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