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by Tushar Kanti

The day of the Radio

Declared by the UNESCO on 3 November 2011, World Radio Day is an international event which is celebrated on 13th February each year. The Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to his official twitter handle to greet the nation on the occasion. Prime Minister Modi has himself given a new dimension to the radio, which was slowly becoming insignificant, through his monthly programme "Mann ki Baat".

The origins of the radio device can be traced back to the Indian origins, Jagdish Chandra Bose had invented the "Mercury Coherer", a radio wave receiver that was used by Guglielmo Marconi to build an operational two-way radio. Radio waves were first identified and researched by German physicist Heinrich Hertz in 1886. The first practical radio transmitters and receivers were developed around 1895–1896 by Italian Guglielmo Marconi, and radio began to be used commercially around 1900.

Going strictly by the book, following a request from the Spanish Radio Academy on 20 September 2010, Spain proposed that the UNESCO Executive Board include an agenda item on the proclamation of a World Radio Day. UNESCO's Executive Board the agenda item in its provisional agenda for the proclamation of a "World Radio Day" on 29 September 2011. UNESCO carried out a wide consultation in 2011 with diverse stakeholders, such as broadcasting associations, UN agencies, funds and programmes, relevant NGOs, foundations and bilateral development agencies, as well as UNESCO Permanent Delegations and National Commissions for UNESCO. Among the answers, 91% were in favour of the project.

In December 2012, the General Assembly of the UN endorsed the proclamation of World Radio Day, which thereby became a day to be celebrated by all UN agencies, funds and programmes and their partners.

Several government agencies and Netizens took to their social media platforms to celebrate and tweet about the day:


The famous sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik also created a sand art to pay tribute on the occasion:

World Radio Day 2021:

This year the United Nations would be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the World Radio Day. According to the official sources, this day the focus would be on three sub-themes:
⦁    EVOLUTION: The world is changing, radio is evolving. This sub-theme refers to the resilience of radio, to its sustainability.
⦁    INNOVATION: The world is changing, radio is adapting and innovating. Radio has had to adapt to new technologies to remain the medium of mobility par excellence, accessible to all and everywhere.
⦁    CONNECT: The world is changing, radio connects it. This sub-theme highlights the services provided by radio to our society  such as in the case of Natural disasters, socio-economic crises, epidemics, etc.

Radio is one of the most important tools of communication. Its uses not just limited for information & entertainment broadcasting but also provides a tool to bring about a change. Community Radios have been bringing up the local issues on the forefront, which are generally ignored by the mainstream media. It is still the most convenient and economically viable option of communication process. With innovations such as the advent of the internet radio systems and podcasts, the radio is here to stay.

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March 8, 2021



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