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CheckBrand Rising in the realm of media, Sun That Never Sets on the Modi Side, As Once Again Topped in CheckBrand’s Digital Ranking with Brand Value worth 413 Cr

The Brand Modi jumps the highest in the race of brand value again, obtaining the brand value worth of 413 cr. The evaluation the value of a political brand was never easier, CheckBrand has emerged as a tool to grapes the valuation of any existing political brand which includes Political Personalities.

His brand value mark has been covered by almost all giant media groups, including ‘Business Standard’, The Week and The Business Times and many more.

Meanwhile Mr. Modi the name has been searched online for around 2287 times and has got an engagement of 174.3K on 04th of Oct. His social media accounts have been attracting 36.7% of Positive sentiments along with minor 15.7% of negative sentiments.

*Source Google Trend

Mr. Modi’s Key Impressions Rising

On its account, despite severe oppositions, criticisms and condemnations, Prime Minister Modi has emerged as the most powerful leader around us. He has once again crossed the brand setter boundary wall, with a staggering 413 Cr worth of 'Digital Brand Value' in 2022. The value is 86 crores greater than the last valuation in 2020, according to CheckBrand.

The world's most famous politician, Mr. Modi, is one of the most influential and new trendsetters on numerous digital platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google search, Wikipedia, YouTube, Instagram, Google Trends, and so on, according to CheckBrand.


CHECKBRAND is a cutting-edge digital tool for measuring and improving political brands and ministries. The initial research analysis by CheckBrand, which was conducted in October 2020, indicated that PM Modi was the most popular politician, with about 100 trends relating to him circulating in the public arena.

However, this time CheckBrand produced statistics evaluating online sentiments for key politicians in India by going through analysis more than 100 million online impressions.

The research, conducted in the second quarter of 2020, includes the top 95 politicians as well as 500 well-known individuals. CheckBrand decoded almost 10 crores of data from multiple digital platforms, and PM Modi received a 70% Brand Score and 327 crores digital brand value in 2020.

The Media Coverage of CheckBrand Report

The CheckBrand Digital Ranking report has been released, making unprecedented rush in the media houses with Mr. Modi’s Brand Value worth of 413 Cr.

*Business Standard

*Press Trust of India

*Wire India

In addition, Speaking on the sentiment analysis, Mr. Anuj Sayal, MD, ADG Online, and CheckBrand.online, said that, “The mentions for Narendra Modi were the highest, and engagement was in the top three politicians due to the "HarGharTiranga" campaign which invokes the feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the people and promoted awareness about the Indian National Flag.”

About Us: CheckBrand is an AI-enabled platform that tracks your online presence, to analyse the digital ranking, brand value and popularity index. Our Digital Ranking analysis is based on five factors; (1) Followers, (2) Trends, (3) Engagement, (4) Sentiment and (5) Mentions.





October 4, 2022



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CheckBrand is the only platform to track your digital ranking, digital presence, and social media presence along with detailed analytics reports by which you can measure all the parameters of a digital domain.