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Resignation of Ghulam Nabi Azad Fumes Flames In the Congress, and Ignites His Popularity Index

In a humongous setback to the Congress, veteran Congress pioneer Ghulam Nabi Azad on 26th August 2022 left the party setting off blame on Rahul Gandhi. Singling out Rahul, whom he called a "non-serious individual", Azad said he had "destroyed" the "whole consultative component" in the party, side-lined all "senior and experienced" pioneers, and let "another clique" of "unpracticed flunkies" run the party.

Azad’s this decision has caused a huge hustle-bustle on almost all social media platforms. There have been multiple tweets and retweets that showcased the public’s mixed opinions about the same. We at CheckBrand came to the terms and assessed all of these reviews and how it has affected the popularity index, digital ranking, and brand value of Ghulam Nabi Azad and The Indian National Congress altogether.

CheckBrand examined that the Brand Value of Ghulam Nabi Azad was 1.39 crores and he stood in 59th position in terms of Digital ranking. With the use of AI, CheckBrand summed up its brand score at 47.4. We also calculated the online presence of both Azad and the INC. We found out that Ghulam Nabi Azad had a total of 147.9K Twitter followers and 556K Facebook followers. According to our AI tool’s calculation, Azad’s online engagement was recorded at 75.7K adding up all the tags and mentions along with 30.5% negative sentiments of the audience. His Search Engine Score was totalled at 1621 in the past 7 days as of 26th August 2022.

*Source Google Trends

Apart from this, CheckBrand also cumulated the popularity index of the Indian National Congress. Our reports suggested that the online engagement of INC was a massive number of 9 Million supported by 41.6% negative audience sentiments. When CheckBrand calculated the Search Engine Score, we encountered that it was very much high at 10723.

Azad in his five-page resignation letter to Sonia said, "Sadly, the circumstance in the Congress party has arrived at such a final turning point that now 'intermediaries' are being set up to assume control over the initiative of the party." He also added that the examination was ill-fated to fall flat because of the fact that the party had been so extensively obliterated that the circumstance had become lost. Besides, the divinely selected individual would be just a puppet on a string.  

August 26, 2022



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