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The National Conference of Rural Cooperative Banks inauguration today

CheckBrand determined Amit Shah’s popularity as he is going to inaugurate a National Conference of Rural Cooperative Banks. Surprisingly, sentiment on social media is negatively rising against him with 20.2% negativity.

The National Conference of Rural Cooperative Banks is scheduled to be held in Delhi on August 12, 2022. Additionally, Mr. Shah will honour a few short-term cooperative credit institutions inluding selected State Cooperative Banks, District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) or PACS.

He was searched 8270 times on the internet and is always trending on social media platforms. As per the evaluation of CheckBrand his digital engagement reached up to 79.6K on 11th-12th Aug, 2022.

*Source Google Trends

The Union Minister of State for Cooperation, B L Verma will deliver a speech during the conference's closing session. Apart from him, Gyanesh Kumar, the secretary of the Ministry of Cooperation, the MD of NAFSCOB, will all be in attendance.

On the other hand, CheckBrand also analysed B L Verma’s social media presence.   He was searched 1270 times on the internet. CheckBrand also evaluated sentiment on social media is also on the rise in favour him with 48.8% positivity and his digital engagement is just 1K on 12th Aug, 2022.


August 12, 2022



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