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by Ankush Rana

Rowan Atkinson Turns 66 | The B’day Boy Expresses Fear on Loss of Freedom of Expression

Mr. Atkinson expresses his fear of the loss of freedom of expression and regretted the sort of "cancel culture," compared to that of "medieval crowds wandering through the streets seeking to burn someone"

Today is the birthday of Rowan Atkinson - turned 66 this year but the British comic strip is angry. Mr. Bean's star has talked to Radio Times about many issues like the imminent return of the Blackadder series of cultic comedies, but the Internet is evidently sparked by his thoughts on 'cancel culture.' Mr. Atkinson was afraid of the declining freedom of expression and lamented the kind of ostracization that 'canceled society' is grappling with, as opposed to 'medieval mob' wanders on the streets finding someone to burn.'

As Deadline and other international media outlets put it, Rowan Atkinson said to Radio Times, "The problem we've got online is that an algorithm decides what we want to see, which ends up creating a simple, binary view of society. It's either you're with us or you're against us. And if you're against us, you deserve to be 'canceled.' It's important that we're exposed to a wide spectrum of people.

Rowan Atkinson's comment appears to have divided the free-expressed opinion of social media-the Internet is divided between agreeing with him and denouncing his perception as severely obsolete. Most recently, Harry Potter's author J K Rowling was 'canceled' due to various statements she made about the trans community.

In his discussion with Radio Times, Rowan Atkinson even said that while he finds that Mr. Bean plays "stressful and exhausting" he doesn't rule out a brand new outing for the Blackadder series-a return is "certainly not impossible," the actor said. Blackadder, who ran for our seasons, stared at Mr. Atkinson as the eponymous antihero leading a cast that included Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, among other British comedic actors.

Rowan Atkinson is also known for starring in movies such as Four Weddings And A Funeral and The Lion King, as well as Johnny's English movie star and Maigret Television series.

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January 22, 2021



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