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by Ankush Rana

Astronomers For The First Time Observed – A Dying Galaxy Named ID2299, 9 Billion Light Years Far From Our Planet

When the stars stop developing in a galaxy, it marks the start of the Galaxy's Extinction. This is what physicists have known for a long time, but they have never seen this happening specifically in a distant galaxy. It's too far. A group of researchers has now been able to observe a galaxy ejecting almost half of the matter capable of producing stars. The team was able to see this phenomena with the aid of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) powered by Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA).

The galaxy ejecting half of its stars is found to be nine billion light years away from the planet earth. The ID2299 galaxy is presently detaching nearly 10,000 suns of material per year in the form of cold gas discharge. It is projected that the galaxy is actually losing 46% of the overall cold gas it holds. The galaxy is already producing new stars very quickly, but as fuel is now running out fast, the residual gas will be exhausted and the galaxy is likely to be destroyed within a few million years.

A lead researcher of the latest study from UK’s Durham University & France’s Saclay Nuclear Research Centre, Annagrazia Puglisi in a statement said, “This is the first time we're witnessing a typical massive star-producing galaxy in the distant Universe about to 'die' due to massive cold gas ejection.”

These astronomical observations were published in the journal Nature Astronomy earlier this week.

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January 22, 2021



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