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by Ankush Rana

Dr Vikram A. Sarabhai - The Father of Indian Space Programme and The Mysterious Death of Indian Scientist

Vikram Ambal Sarabhai (12 August 1919 - 30 December 1971) was an Indian physicist and astronomer who pioneered space exploration and helped establish nuclear power in India. He was awarded in 1966 with the Padma Bhushan and in 1972 with the Padma Vibhushan (posthumously). He is considered the founding father of the Indian Space Program worldwide.

Dr. Sarabhai was known as the Indian space program's father; he was a great institution builder and helped set up numerous  institutions in different fields. He was instrumental in founding the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad: he convinced charitable trusts managed by his family and friends after returning from Cambridge to independent India in 1947 to endow a research institution near his home in Ahmedabad. So, on November 11, 1947, Vikram Sarabhai founded the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad. At the time, he was just 28. Sarabhai was an institutional founder and cultivator, and the first step in that direction was PRL. From 1966-1971, Vikram Sarabhai worked for PRL.

He was also the Chairman of the Committee on Atomic Energy Commission. He played a major role in the development of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, along with other Ahmedabad-based industrialists.

Death under Mysterious Circumstances

On December 30, 1971, the father of Indian Space Programme, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was found dead in a hotel room at the Halycyon Castle in Kovalam, Kerala. He did not had any prior illness and was considered to be a health conscious scientist. He actively conducted meetings and discussions with the fellow scientists, a day before his mysterious death. The former ISRO scientist and ISRO spy case accused (recently found innocent by the Supreme Court), S Nambi Narayanan raised suspicions in his biography ‘Ormakalude Bhramanapatham’, towards the mysterious death of India’s top space scientist.

‘’The challenges and questions raised by his death are many. If he was eliminated, it is likely there was an international conspiracy behind it. Or else, how did such a scientific talent like him die in such an unnatural manner?’’ mentioned S Nambi, who had closely worked as Vikram Sarabhai’s subordinate at ISRO.

“A man who had never smoked in his life, a teetotaler, then how was he led to such a death? Why was the cremation performed without even an autopsy despite the fact the dead man was such a great scientist? All these remained questions,” wrote S Nambi.

In his biography, he devoted a whole chapter to the unexplained death of Sarabhai. Who he claims, gave unstinting support for his push to popularize ISRO's concept of liquid propulsion. Nambi mentioned that the death of Sarabhai should be read along with that of the celebrated Indian nuclear physicist Homi J Bhabha, who too died mysteriously in the Mont Blanc region in the 1966 air crash.

In his book, Nambi further cites the 'Conversations with the Crow', by journalist Gregory Douglas. The book in which a CIA officer Robert Crowley hints at the CIA's involvement in Homi J Bhabha's death. “In it, Crowley is quoted as saying that the Indian victory in the 1965 India-Pakistan war made America uncomfortable, and that it viewed with concern the emergence of India as a nuclear power. The book says India’s nuclear dreams were wiped out over Mont Blanc without leaving even a trace of evidence. Read together with it, Sarabhai’s death and the (ISRO) spy case will leave us uncomfortable,’’ wrote S Nambi in his biography.


"Vikram had told me that he was being watched by both Americans and Russians,” said Kamla Chaudhary, a close associate of Vikram Sarabhai at IIM, Ahmedabad.

Now here’s a point to remember, in 1971, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai had returned from the USA a few months before his mysterious death on 30 December.

“Humble tribute to the founding father of #ISRO and India's Space programme, Dr. #VikramSarabhai on his death anniversary,” said Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State.


"Dr Vikram Sarabhai was a dedicated soldier of Science. He encouraged science as well as India's culture and Sanskrit language. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai has left a legacy for us and it is our responsibility to take this legacy to the people." – PM Shri Narendra Modi.


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January 2, 2021



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