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by Tushar Kanti

Earth at the closest perihelion point: We are five million kilometres closer to the Sun !

The Earth is closest to the sun every year in the month of January, when the Northern Hemisphere witnesses winters. This fact is attributed to the revoltion of the earth arround the sun. Roughly speaking, our planet is five million kms closer to the sun in early January than it is in early July. This geographical phenomenon is known as perihelion from the Greek roots "peri" meaning near and "helios" meaning sun.


Though it is not responsible for the change of seasons, Earth’s closest and farthest points to the sun do affect the lengths of seasons . When the Earth comes closest to the sun for the year, as around now, our world is moving fastest in orbit around the sun. Earth is rushing along now at almost 30.3 km/sec faster than when Earth is farthest from the sun in early July. Thus the Northern Hemisphere winter and simultaneously the Southern Hemisphere summer are the shortest seasons as Earth rushes from the solstice in December to the equinox in March.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer season (June solstice to September equinox) lasts nearly five days longer than our winter season. And, the corresponding seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite. Southern Hemisphere winter is almost five days longer than Southern Hemisphere summer.
This fact is attributed to the tilt of the Earth's axis:

Earth’s closest point to the sun called its perihelion will happen today, i.e., January 2 at 13:51 Universal Time, 19:21 Indian Standard Time.
Twitter is already trending with the news:

However, perihelion does not mean Earth receives more radiation from the Sun, so then where does that extra heat go? to the southern hemisphere ? Absolutely No !. In fact Earth is at its coolest during perihelion. That’s because most of the southern hemisphere are oceans, which soaks-up the extra heat and neutralize the impact of perihelion. 

So do not expect your day to be any more warmer. In fact be aware of the cold wave sweeping across the northern parts of India.

Checkbrand team wishes you clearer skies and inquisitivie eyes.

January 2, 2021



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