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by Ankush Rana

The Theory Of Everything and The Unbreakable Spirit of Hawking | A Tribute To Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was perhaps the most recognizable physicist in recent era. His story has intrigued viewers for decades, resulting in an Oscar-winning depiction of him at the movie ‘The Theory of Everything’.

Stephen Was Born Normal But Into A Family Of Scientists

Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 and raised in St Albans, the oldest of four siblings.

His dad was a research biologist, and his mother was a medical research secretary, so it was no wonder that he was passionate about science. As a student, he was attracted to math and physics as he felt they were providing the most considerable insight into the universe. But nothing made him unique from his peers or his first term at Oxford University.

Remarkable Love Story Of A Genius

Stephen received his first Physics degree from Oxford in 1965 and began his PhD at Cambridge. His own private world was expanding as he proposed to his future mate.

Jane was also from St. Albans, and she was an undergraduate in modern languages. She had met Hawking at a New Year's Eve party before he was diagnosed. The pair wanted to marry soon, because they didn't know how long Stephen had to live. As Stephen's health worsened, he took a stick to walk. Jane, who was two years younger than her fiancé, had to obtain a special exception from her college because students were not usually permitted to marry.

Unstoppable Hawking Trained His Mind Instead

Hawking has escaped the limitations of his condition by educating his mind to function in a different way. When he continued to lose the control of his limbs, he found a way to imagine problems in his head to find a solution rather than composing equations. Any of his peers suggested that this way of thought contributed to his biggest discoveries. Hawking was already working on one of the most bizarre theories of science – black holes. The drastic prediction of Einstein's general theory of relativity is produced when massive stars fall to zero scale and infinite density – known as 'singularity.'

Einstein’s Prediction, Hawking’s Mathematical Validation

One of the Stephen Hawking's most significant contributions to science was to provide research evidence to the presence of blackholes anticipated by Einstein's Theory of Relativity back in 1915.

Before Hawking's mathematical formula, black holes remained only in theory. In a 2018 report on space.com, Tom Banks, Professor of Astrophysics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, said “Hawking actually proved some rigorous mathematical theorems about Einstein's equations for gravity that showed that, under quite general circumstances, there were places where the equations broke down — what are called singularities. And, in particular, the region inside of a black hole is such a singularity.”

Hawking Radiations and Shrinking of Black Holes

At first, Hawking was of the assumption that the height of the black hole was static and never altered. But the physicist quickly found 'Hawking Radiation.' He has shown that black holes will potentially shrink when they radiate energy also named Hawking Radiations which decreases their mass.

As a response, black holes appear to evaporate or boil up 'in a dazzling blast of energy equal to one million megaton of hydrogen bombs.'

Hawking has hypothesised that this radiation arises from " virtual particles," that are continually moving into and out of existence in the strange quantum world. They do this in the matter and anti-matter pairs, one of which has positive energy and the other consisting of a negative energy.

Hawking was indeed a legendary personality who never surrendered to anything in life, not even his extreme medical illness which would have crushed the spirit of any other normal person. Therefore, it goes without saying that his discoveries in the field of science were unmatched and unparalleled.

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January 22, 2021



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