On Friday (29 July 2022), Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury appealed to the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to efface the remarks made by Union minister Smriti Irani in the House. In his letter to the Lok Sabha Speaker, the Member of Parliament from Berhampur alleged that Smriti Irani was addressing President Murmu's name inappropriately during her address in the House.  Chowdhury wrote, "I may also like to point out that the manner in which Smt. Smriti Irani was taking the name of Hon'ble Madam President in the House was not proper and in consonance with the status and position of the Hon'ble President. She was yelling 'Droupadi Murmu' repeatedly without prefixing Hon'ble President or Madame or Smt..." Additionally, Chowdhury demanded Ms. Irani's exemption from the proceedings of the House.  CheckBrand did the past 7 days' analysis of the incident's impact on the digital image of Member of Parliament Mr. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury:  Mentions: 8.6K  Engagements: 35.3K  Positive Sentiments: 1.1%  Negative Sentiments: 35.6%  Search engine score: 1439


Reading Time: 1 minute 19 seconds
by Admin

Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury's complaint letter on Smriti Irani

On Friday (29 July 2022), Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury appealed to the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to efface the remarks made by Union minister Smriti Irani in the House. In his letter to the Lok Sabha Speaker, the Member of Parliament from Berhampur alleged that Smriti Irani was addressing President Murmu's name inappropriately during her address in the House.

Chowdhury wrote, "I may also like to point out that the manner in which Smt. Smriti Irani was taking the name of Hon'ble Madam President in the House was not proper and in consonance with the status and position of the Hon'ble President. She was yelling 'Droupadi Murmu' repeatedly without prefixing Hon'ble President or Madame or Smt..." Additionally, Chowdhury demanded Ms. Irani's exemption from the proceedings of the House.

CheckBrand did the past 7 days' analysis of the incident's impact on the digital image of Member of Parliament Mr. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury:

Mentions: 8.6K

Engagements: 35.3K

Positive Sentiments: 1.1%

Negative Sentiments: 35.6%

Search engine score: 1439

July 30, 2022



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