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by Tushar Kanti

DerivativeAssasination: #KarimaBaloch

Included in the BBC 100 Women 2016 for her work and campaigns for independence for Balochistan from Pakistan, human rights activist Karima Baloch was found dead in Toronto, Canada. She had effectively used social media platforms to highlight the issues of human rights violations perpetrated by the Pakistani Armed Forces on the indigenous Baloch population.

The Balochistan Post revealed it on their twitter:

Many netizens came out in support for her after the proclamation was made. With condolences pouring in, it became a trending topic on twitter instantly:

Some users have been pointing out the role of India's RAW in this motivated killing with hashtag #RAWKilledKarima. The statements are substantiated by the fact that Karima Baloch was recently mentioned in one of the reports by EU DisinfoLab which is an independent EU-focused NGO aimed to raise awareness on disinformation :

However, according to the Toronto Police Department Karima Baloch was last seen on December 20 in the Bay Street and Queens Quay West area in Toronto and had sought public assistance in locating her. Baloch’s family later said that her body had been found and requested for privacy. Further reports are still awaited. 
The Baloch movement claims that the Baloch people, an ethno-linguistic group mainly found in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are a distinct nation. The movement propagates the view that Muslims are not a nation and that ethnic loyalty must surpass religious loyalty. The descrimination by the local Pakistani population terming them as "Muhajir" further fueling the sentiments of separatism.

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Karima Baloch had been living with refugee status in Canada because she had been targeted for her activism in Pakistan. Earlier this year, Sajid Hussain, the founder and chief editor of The Balochistan Post, who had highlighted human rights violations that Baloch people were being subjected to by the Pakistani Army, was found dead in the Fyris River near Uppsala, Sweden. 

In her last tweet before her unexpected death, Karima Baloch had once again highlighted the issue of violations committed by the Pakistani Armed Forces. She lived for a noble cause and died fighting for it.


December 22, 2020



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