"Dragon Fruit Renamed To ‘Kamalam’, Announced Gujarat Chief Minister For The State"


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by Ankush Rana

Dragon Fruit Renamed To ‘Kamalam’, Announced Gujarat Chief Minister For The State

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani declared on Tuesday that now the state government has agreed to rename dragon fruit as kamalam.

According to Rupani, the choice was reached by bearing in mind the exterior form of the fruit that depicts a lotus.

"As the external form of the fruit describes a lotus, therefore the dragon fruit is renamed as kamalam," said the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

When communicating with the press during the unveiling of the 'Chief Minister Horticulture Development Mission' (CMHDM) on Tuesday, the CM said, "We have already applied for a patent to rename the dragon fruit as kamalam. However from now on, we, the government of Gujarat, have agreed to mark the fruit as kamalam."

According to the CM of Gujarat, the word ‘Dragon’ for a fruit didn’t sound appropriate. “The name- dragon fruit, associates with China and that is why we have changed it,” added CM in his statement.

Kamalam translates to Lotus, in the Sanskrit language.

The Chief Minister Vijay Rupani in his further statement said, “Even when named dragon fruit, the fruit’s description never matched with the name, whereas the word kamalam associates with Lotus and the fruit does look like one, there we decided to rename it as ‘Kamalam’. There’s nothing political about it.” Interestingly, the chief minister represents a political party that has its symbol as ‘Lotus’ and their state headquarter in Gandhinagar is also named as ‘Shri Kamalam’.

Origin Of Dragon Fruit With Costs And Benefits

A tropical fruit with its own unique taste and looks, originates from central America, which has spread across the global with agricultural revolutions. The selling price of dragon fruit in India is somewhere between INR 350 to 600 per Kg. It is believed that dragon fruit could help maintain healthy levels of insulin for a diabetic person and also benefits for asthma. The fruit also possess anti-cancerous and anti-ageing properties.

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January 22, 2021



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