Republic Bharat's Poochta Hai Bharat Has Been Fined


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by Tanisha Tiwari

Republic Bharat Fined For £20,000, UK Regulator Further Questions Channel’s Motive

Republic Bharat, the news channel starring none other than #ArnabGoswami has been fined for violating rules and contravening the ‘hate speech’ code. The British broadcasting regulator OfCom has fined the Worldview Media Network Limited a sum of £20,000 for an episode of ‘Poochta Hai Bharat.’

People expressed themselves on this news loaded with disappointment.


In its order against the news broadcaster of Republic Bharat in UK, OfCom stated “The programme contained statements which amounted to hate speech against, and was abusive and derogatory about, Pakistani people on the basis of their nationality. These statements would potentially be harmful and highly offensive to any person who did not share the sentiment being expressed by the presenter and his Indian guests. In Ofcom’s view, the potentially harmful and offensive nature of the content was compounded by the political context in which the episode of Poochta Hai Bharat was broadcast.”

The order questions whether Republic Bharat’s motive is to harness the already deteriorated relationships between India and Pakistan. It further stated “considered that the hate speech against the Pakistani people broadcast in this programme without sufficient challenge or context would potentially be particularly harmful in this context, as it had the potential to cause further damage to the already strained relationship between people of Indian and Pakistani origin.”

OfCom demanded Worldview Media Network Limited to ensure no further breaches, stop live broadcast of debates and take measures to prevent such nation-dividing agendas. 

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December 24, 2020



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