Reading Time: 2 minutes 33 seconds
by Ankush Rana

Elon Musk: Bye, California, I’ve Moved To Texas

Musk has turned critically vocal about California’s lockdown restrictions.

Recently Elon Musk, the second richest person in the world is trending but folks, not for his wealth. The reason is his reaction to the State of California when they had shut down one of his Auto-plant due to covid-19 lockdown restrictions. Now this isn’t the only reason as to why Elon Musk decided to relocate to a different state. Elon by taking on to social media stated that "If a team has been winning for too long, they do tend to get a little complacent, a little entitled, and then they don't win the championship anymore.” He also added "California has been winning for a long time... and they are taking it for granted."

So yes, Musk described the California state as "great," but likened it to a complacent sports team. This created a flickering spark that later turned to be a trending wildfire just like California's forests. 

The internet was flooded soon after Musk’s remark, the trend could be seen on CheckBrand’s google trends section. People started marking their reviews which are indeed diverse, some call it a bold step and they tend to be anti to the tax policies by the state of California. While others see it as a political step where they relate Musk with the Democrats and accuse him for setting up a blue regime in Texas. Now there's a third section of people who see this entire story as a business strategy, they say Musk did this as he already has two of his great establishments in Texas and he’s seeking benefits from a No-Income-tax Texas.

Now lets see how people responded over this.

People using their beautiful and diverse mental capabilities are reacting accordingly. Hey Reader! How about you? And what do you infer? 

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December 9, 2020



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