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Social Media and Its Importance in India

Inside Indian democracy, social media plays an enormous role. In reaching out to the youth people, political parties and politicians have carved out a niche.  The dangerous situation, where it was handy to save the lives of many, was the first-time social media in India was seen as an elementary tool for disseminating information. This definition was embraced and exercised in national elections where the dimension of the conventional electoral structure was altered for the first time.

These trends are rapidly trending in urban India, where political parties are becoming tech savvy, as this is the only way to reach out to young people. In India, major political parties have adopted their digital presence where their manifestos, commitments and innovations can be seen. Their initiative was impressive that in their political success they had a much-needed fillip. These social media platforms have connected major leaders in Indian politics to the common people.

This world has been changed fully by social media and its development has been exponential. On the one hand, as it took 38 years for radio to hit 50 million subscribers, TV took 14 years to achieve the same milestone, but on the other hand, in 4 years the internet got there. In less than 9 months, Facebook has added 100 million users. Statistics are pretty stark, aren't they? But indeed, it's true that the effectiveness of social media has been beyond one's imagination in the political fray. 

The game has been altered by social media, allowing both incumbents and challengers to chat directly to voters about everything from legislation to what they had for dinner. The first presidential candidate to use the tool, which was still new during his 2008 campaign, was Barack Obama, and Donald Trump uses Twitter almost every day to express himself without conventional media philtres. The findings suggest that the usage of social media platforms for political activities affects individuals, political effectiveness, political awareness, and political engagement. The study also indicates that social media users could improve their understanding by discovering social media political activities. This has helped them strengthen their political awareness, boost their political effectiveness and increase their political involvement.

December 2, 2020



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