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by Tanisha Tiwari

#FarmersDealTotalRepeal Is the New Symbol of Solidarity

It’s just another day for all of us but Indian farmers are still protesting in teeth chattering cold fighting all the odds.

The #farmerprotest continues even today and the Centre has not been able to resolve the farm bill issue. Today will be the seventh round of discussion of farmers and Centre on repeal of the three farm laws and giving legal status to MSP.

The meeting on 4th January comes straight after one of the farm leaders said that the Centre does not intend to repeal farm bills passed in September 2020.

In the previous meeting, the government however agreed to withdrawal of the Electricity Amendment Bill and the penal provisions for stubble burning in the Air Quality Commission Ordinance.

While the farmers carry forward their will to revoke the farm bills 2020, people have joined #farmersdealtotalrepeal.

With pouring empathy and support to farmers, Indians have made themselves clear that they stand with the food Gods.




After continuous rejections from the Centre, the farmers have decided to hold a rally and tractor parade in the coming days.

The Supreme court has asked the Centre to follow a special committee and solve the issue calling out the Centre for failed negotiations.

Yogendra Yadav, Swaraj India leader said "If the government doesn't agree to our demands, we will start marching towards Delhi from Shahjahanpur border next week.”

The farmers have further said that they will be parading towards Delhi if their demands are not met.

We will come to Delhi on 26th January on our tractors and hold a march there, one of the #farmprotest leaders said.

"We intend to be peaceful and we told the government during the talks that it has only two options - either repeal the three laws or use force to evict us (from Delhi border points). The time has come for decisive action here, and we have chosen January 26 as the Republic Day represents the supremacy of the people,"farmers leader Darshan Pal Singh said.

The farmers' unions have said they would carry on with their proposed tractor-march on Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) highway on January 6. 


January 5, 2021



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